The Economy as a Cycle

At the Industry Night, you can experience what a sustainable economy looks like. Sowing, growing, harvesting, refining, disposing - various companies from the region are active in this cycle. In Liestal and Sissach, you will learn about important skills ranging from horticulture to recycling. Enjoy a glass of fine wine from the vineyards of the beautiful Basel region and reflect on the Industry Night.

JardinSuisse beider Basel is an innovative education centre in Liestal. The centre focuses on important topics of the future, including biodiversity and healthy soil. At the Industry Night, you can find out more about the urban gardening trend and the exciting profession of gardener. Test your "green fingers" and immerse yourself in the future of horticulture.

One possible workplace for the gardeners of the future is Frey-Gärten in Liestal. The family business has been designing lively and diverse gardens for almost sixty years. Bucking the trend towards stony gravel gardens, Frey builds species-rich habitats. Pools with natural water treatment are a speciality. How do you imagine your dream garden?

Get tips for your next garden project from Frey-Gärten and JardinSuisse, photo: © Frey-Gärten GmbH

An den Hängen des Baselbiets wachsen saftige Trauben, die seit jeher zu köstlichem Wein verarbeitet werden. In dieser Tradition steht die Siebe Dupf Kellerei, die seit 1874 im Weinhandel tätig ist und selbst ausgezeichnete Weine herstellt. An der Industrienacht erfährst du die Geheimnisse der Weinproduktion und kannst beim Weinaromen-Parcours deinen Geschmackssinn testen. Der Zeitpunkt könnte besser nicht sein: Es ist Erntezeit!

Juicy grapes grow on the slopes of the Basel region and have always been processed into delicious wine. The Siebe Dupf winery is part of this tradition. It has been active in the wine trade since 1874 and produces its own excellent wines. At the Industry Night, you can learn the secrets of wine production and test your sense of taste on the wine flavour trail. The timing couldn't be better: it's harvest time!

Harvesting and consumption are followed by disposal. It is at the end of the natural cycle and, in the best case, ensures that new raw materials are created again. Waser Entsorgung from Sissach specialises in recycling. The company disposes of, sorts and recycles in accordance with legal environmental guidelines at five locations in the region. At the Industry Night, you can find out how waste is turned into recyclable materials. So that the region's economy can continue to grow sustainably in the future.

Siebe Dupf Kellerei
Accompany the cellar team during wine production, here mashing the grapes with dry ice, photo: © Siebe Dupf Kellerei AG