Research for health

The world-famous life sciences hub by no means ends at the borders of the city of Basel. The Basel area is home to many important companies in this sector, which is the economic engine of the entire region. On Industry Night, three innovative Bubendorf companies open their doors: welcome to the world of laboratories, research and life sciences!

The campus of Bachem, a global player with sites all over the world, is located in Bubendorf. The company specialises in the production of peptides and other molecules that are important for medical products. The range of apprenticeships offered by Bachem shows what kind of specialists are needed for this: Chemical laboratory technician, chemical and pharmaceutical technologist, automation technician, computer scientist, logistics technician, business administrator. At the Industry Night, you can immerse yourself in these professional worlds and take an exclusive look behind the scenes at Bachem.

You can also find out how active ingredients are produced on a large scale at Carbogen Amcis. The company from Bubendorf is active in all phases of drug development, from research to the production of pharmaceuticals. The motto here is fun in the lab, you can experiment without fear of contact. What is steaming in the distiller? What's bubbling in the flask? Find out in the laboratories.

CIS Biopharma is tackling a serious and often fatal disease: cancer. The biotechnology company develops therapies with the aim of improving the quality of life of patients with aggressive types of cancer. These laboratories in Bubendorf are also working to better understand the human body and combat diseases.

Carbogen Amcis AG
Experience everyday laboratory life in Bubendorf, photo: © Carbogen Amcis AG