The building professionals

The Liestal region is known for its precise craftsmen and skilled construction companies. Whether wood or metal, stone or glass: the regional construction professionals get buildings into perfect shape. They introduce themselves and their specialities at the Industry Night.

The topic of construction has a conspicuously high priority in Thürnen. This is home to the Hasler Baugeschäft, for example. The long-established company plans high-rise buildings, which it realizes throughout the region. You can experience the fascination of the construction site at Hasler on the Industry Night. At the Fertigungs-Center Zumbrunn, meanwhile, everything revolves around sheet metal. Precisely cut and bent to fit, entire systems and appliances are created from this flat piece of metal. A fascinating craft business from Thürnen!

The Paul Roos carpentry, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, is located in the same village. This company is an all-rounder when it comes to wood. Sawing, planing, drilling, rasping, filing, sanding and the smell of wood fills the air. This natural raw material from the forest also takes centre stage at Marti Holztechnik. Few professions have more tradition than that of carpenters. They complete the shells of our houses: the roof, the facade, the insulation. By the way: this construction professional is also at home in Thürnen.

Fertigungs Center Zumbrunn
Experience the wonders of sheet metal in Thürnen, photo: © Fertigungs-Center Zumbrunn

Professional construction is also taking place in Liestal, for example at Wahl Glas- und Metallbau. The motto here at the Industry Night is: D.I.Y.! A hip abbreviation for "Do It Yourself". You will learn the necessary skills on the welding simulator, and in the workshop you will make your own filigree rose vase that you can give to someone as a gift. True to the motto: welding with feeling!

Etwas heimnehmen kannst du auch bei Büchi Innenausbau/Küchen. An der Industrienacht begleitest du die Schreiner:innen bei der Herstellung eines Andenkens an den Familienbetrieb aus Liestal. Sie beantworten dir gerne alle Fragen zu Möbel, Innenausbau und Küche. Zum Beispiel: Wie wird altes Brot wieder frisch? Diese Frage könntest du sicher auch bei Bucher Küchen-Design stellen. Seit fast fünfzig Jahren dreht sich dort alles um das Thema Küche, heute sind die Einbauküchen aus Liestal im ganzen Land bekannt. An der Industrienacht siehst du Schritt für Schritt, wie eine Küche aufgebaut wird.

You can also take something home with you at Büchi Innenausbau/Küchen. On the Industry Night, you will accompany the carpenters as they make a memento of the family business from Liestal. They will be happy to answer all your questions about furniture, interior fittings and kitchens. For example: How do you make stale bread fresh again? You could certainly ask this question at Bucher Küchen-Design. For almost fifty years, everything here has centred on kitchens, and today the fitted kitchens from Liestal are known throughout the country. At the industry night, you can see step by step how a kitchen is built.

IKEA, perhaps the best-known furniture company in the world, is also deeply rooted in the region; not only in Pratteln, where there is a large IKEA shop, but also in Itingen. The central warehouse for the Swiss market has been located there for over thirty years. A considerable proportion of all furniture assembled in Switzerland was once located at this site. IKEA will be opening its doors exclusively on Industry Night.

Professional cleaning is essential to ensure that your home and furniture retain their lustre for a long time. The company Miru-Clean in Liestal is an expert in this field. It does clean work for numerous companies and private individuals in the region as well as the administration. At the Industry Night, you can learn about various cleaning techniques and put your skills to the test on a course.

Look over the carpenter's shoulder, photo: © Büchi AG Innenausbau/Küchen