Everything in flux

Industry Night Regio Liestal will take place in less than two months. For one night, over 30 companies will offer exciting insights into their everyday life, their culture, and their history. Today we start with the round of introductions and take a look at the companies that keep everything flowing – that supply us with electricity, network our buildings, keep vital equipment in hospitals running, bring light into our everyday lives and transport us safely from A to B on the roads.

When we plug our mobile phone into a socket at home, there's a good chance that the electricity we're using flows through a Rauscher & Stoecklin transformer. The company in Sissach can look back on over 100 years of history and is now the last of its kind in Switzerland. We come across their transformers in many places – at railway stations, in stadiums, or in ski resorts. They are still produced in Sissach, at the headquarters not far from the railway station. At Industry Night, you can take a look inside a transformer and see how these energy distributors, which weigh several tonnes, are manufactured. Renata's batteries are much smaller, but still full of energy. The company in Itingen specialised in the production of the iconic button batteries in the late 1970s, primarily for the watch industry at the time. Other fields of application followed step by step, including medical technology, the computer industry, and the automotive industry. Find out what this fascinating battery is all about at Industry Night.

Rauscher Stoecklin
Oil-cooled transformers in Rauscher & Stoecklin's finished goods warehouse, photo: © Rauscher & Stoecklin AG

At ETAVIS, you can enter into the world of energy and its possibilities. Electrical and building technology is their area of expertise, and clean and economical energy cycles are one of their specialities. On Industry Night, you can build your own electrical switch, get on an electric bike, and find out more about the potential of solar technology. The Ökozentrum (a centre for ecology) on the Hanro site is also committed to a sustainable future. The foundation behind the centre was established in 1979, at the end of a decade that is generally regarded as the beginning of modern environmental protection. Experience the challenges of tomorrow in a playful way at the Ökozentrum: track down the power guzzlers in your household, test products for their CO2 content at the food market stall, and build your climate-friendly house of the future.

A smart and climate-friendly home needs a comfortable atmosphere. For that purpose, Lichterloh and Luxed Beleuchtungen provide the ideal lighting. Both companies are young, innovative and have a keen sense of design. On the industry night, you can immerse yourself in the lighting workshop at Lichterloh and put your skills to the test in the XXLED voltage test. At Luxed Beleuchtungen, you can experience just how versatile light can be.

Put your skills to the test at Lichterloh, photo: © Claudia Link Photodesign

During Industry Night, the Autobus AG Liestal shuttle buses will transport you from company to company and guarantee a good flow of visitors. However, AAGL is not just our transport partner, but also takes you behind the scenes of its bus operations. You will go through the depot, the workshop, the car wash, the control centre and may even discover a new talent in the driving simulator. The AAGL not only moves people in the region, it also offers drivers the opportunity to have their vehicles polished. Meanwhile, Carrosserie Zumbrunn is the ideal place to take your ride in the event of damage. The Sissach-based company has been repairing, restoring and painting vehicles from cars to trucks for over 30 years. At Industry Night, you can get up close and personal with car bodies and see this impressive craft in action.

At the Keigel and P. Schweizer garages in Lausenerstrasse, too, everything revolves around the topic of mobility: drive as economically as possible on the electric vehicle test drive and win a prize, style a vehicle with your favourite colours (Keigel), or prove your skills in the wheel change challenge while the little ones drive the ultimate bobby car adventure course (P. Schweizer). Those who want to aim high instead will find their happiness at Michel Krantrans. The almost 20-year-old company, also based in Lausenerstrasse, offers special transport services with gigantic truck-mounted loading cranes. Experience how versatile these vehicles are and try your hand at being a crane driver.

Mechanical work on a jacked-up AAGL bus, photo: © IDEENFABRIK Claude Vuille