Rauscher & Stoecklin



Zug S3, S9, IR27, IR37; Bahnhof Sissach

Reuslistrasse 32, 4450 Sissach
Rauscher Stoecklin 2
© Rauscher & Stoecklin AG

How Electricity Gets into Your Power Socket

Find out more about Rauscher & Stoecklin’s 105-year history and take a tour to experience how a transformer is produced and what it can do.


  • Take a Look Inside a Transformer

  • Rauscher & Stoecklin: A Traditional Company

Food and Drink

Sausages from the Grill-Trafo, plus mineral water and beer from the Bier-Trafo

Sanitary facilities

Toilets available and wheelchair accessible


wheelchair accessible

General Information

Rest area with seating available

About Rauscher & Stoecklin

This long-standing company has been synonymous with high-end technical products since 1919. Rauscher & Stoecklin specialiszes in the development and manufacturing of transformers, railway and overhead line switchgear, and high-current connectors. Its products are used across the world. Since 2012, the company has been part of the internationally operating R&S Group.

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© Rauscher & Stoecklin AG
Rauscher Stoecklin 3
© Rauscher & Stoecklin AG