On May 9, the Industry Night offers a unique glimpse into the varied and captivating workplaces of the Basel region.


The working worlds of the Industry Night Regio Basel 2025

48 companies will take us on a journey into their day-to-day work on 9 May 2025 from 5pm to midnight - into their production facilities, research labs, networks, and warehouses. The compelling mix of industries promises exciting journeys of discovery into the world of life sciences, technology, logistics, the food industry, and various crafts.

uptown Basel

Outlook - Industry Night Regio Basel

Already looking forward to the next Industry Night Regio Basel? The third edition will take place on Friday, 9 May 2025. The participating companies are already announced, the programme will be released in March. Stay up to date with our newsletter.

IN24 Sutter Begg Flavia Schaub

Review - The second Industry Night Regio Basel attracted around 14,000 visitors

The second Industry Night attracted around 14,000 visitors, who were able to explore working worlds, playfully learn about professions and experience inspiring encounters. Whether they were looking for a job or simply driven by curiosity and an eagerness to learn about the multifaceted working places – the programme had something exciting in store for everyone.

Industrienacht Regio Liestal 2024

Review - The Industry Night Regio Liestal fascinated over 4,000 people

The first Industry Night Regio Liestal is history. Over 4,000 visitors experienced around 70 programme offerings: impressive tours, fun workshops, and inspiring discussions with employees on site. The varied programme had something exciting in store for everyone, from young to old.

See journal