, Silas Gusset

Networked for the Future

Electronics define our everyday lives. We live among smart devices, networked buildings and machines that process vast amounts of information electronically. Underpinning this is the significant work of electrical technicians and electrical engineers, both highly sought-after jobs with excellent career prospects. It’s no coincidence that several companies in this sector are welcoming visitors and providing exclusive insights at Industry Night. Electrical and building services engineering is at the heart of what Actemium, ETAVIS, Selmoni, Siemens, and Tschantré do. These companies not only ensure that electricity flows cleanly through sites, buildings, and devices right up to the light switch on the wall. They also create new smart infrastructures, advancing the digital transformation and actively participating in the energy revolution.

At Selmoni you’ll experience how building and site lifespans are being increased sustainably using building technology, energy optimization, and digitalization. Today, virtual reality is an established part of everyday work, and you can test out a range of VR simulations at Selmoni during Industry Night. You’ll find more smart solutions for the everyday life of tomorrow at Siemens Switzerland. The Smart Infrastructure digital model offers a look at the future of digital planning and construction. And Actemium makes the smart city of the future tangible too, letting visitors experience humans and robots collaborating first-hand.

Bei Selmoni erlebst du, wie mit Gebäudetechnik, Energieoptimierung und Digitalisierung die Lebensdauer von Gebäuden und Arealen nachhaltig verlängert wird. Ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel dabei sind computergenerierte, interaktive virtuelle Umgebungen, kurz Virtual Reality. VR ist aus dem Arbeitsalltag von Selmoni nicht mehr wegzudenken – an der Industrienacht warten verschiedene VR-Simulationen auf dich. Weitere Intelligente Lösungen für den Alltag von morgen präsentiert Siemens Schweiz. Mit ihrem digitalen Modell «Smart Infrastructure» kannst du erkunden, wie die Zukunft des digitalen Planens und Bauens aussehen wird. Die Smart-City von morgen ist auch bei Actemium mit Händen greifbar. Dort kannst du die kollaborative Zusammenarbeit von Mensch und Roboter hautnah erleben.

Selmoni IN22
Automation technician, a job with excellent career prospects, photo: © Samuel Bramley

Tschantré employees are experts at bringing buildings up to the latest standards. You’ll learn all about heating, ventilation, and sanitary systems on a tour of their new offices. And if you’ve had updating your heating system on your list for a while now, take advantage of the experts at Tschantré ready to advise on renewable energy models, heat pumps, and PV systems. The energy revolution is also a major topic at ETAVIS, where you can learn more about e-mobility and charging stations, smart buildings and sustainable lighting concepts, as well as solar technology. You’ll also have the chance to experience the topic of energy first-hand on the electric bike.

Creating an infrastructure is one thing, and protecting it is another. Axians has specialized in the latter: their IT experts know how to expose, combat, and defend against cybercrime. You’ll learn more about their processes at their Security Operations Centre during Industry Night. If you fancy immersing yourself in the cutting-edge digital revolution, QuantumBasel is the place to go. The Competence Centre for Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence at the Arlesheim site offers companies, start-ups, and research institutes access to quantum and high-performance computers whose capabilities outstrip today’s supercomputers. At Industry Night, you’ll gain a sense of this technology’s radical potential and areas of application.

Robots in action at Actemium, photo: @ Actemium
  • Planning in 3D

    Siemens Schweiz

  • The potential of quantum computing


  • Attacks in cyberspace


  • My future


  • Careers at ETAVIS

