, Medienmitteilung

Driving a lorry crane, tinkering in the lab, printing shirts:

The programme for the Industry Night Regio Liestal is now available online. On 20 September 2024, visitors will be able to enjoy more than 70 experiences: fascinating tours, interactive workshops and exciting dialogue formats. From 5 pm to midnight, over 30 companies in the municipalities of Liestal, Bubendorf, Itingen, Sissach and Thürnen offer exclusive insights into their day-to-day business, their culture and their history.

Discovery tour of the Basel region’s working world
At the Industry Night Regio Liestal, 31 companies open their doors to the broad public. There is a wide variety of industries, and the programme is diverse and interactive. Visitors can put their skills to the test in the bus and welding simulator (AAGL, Wahl), experiment in the test laboratory (Bachem, Carbogen Amcis, CIS), operate a lorry crane (Krantrans), print their own T-shirt (CWL), lend a hand on the construction site (Hasler), and deliver clean work on a parcours (Miru-Clean) or test their own sense of taste (Siebe Dupf Kellerei). The tours promise exclusive insights, for example through large industrial production halls (Renata, Rauscher & Stoecklin, Zumbrunn), modern carpentries and workshops (Bucher, Büchi, Marti, Paul Roos), lighting studios (Lichterloh, Luxed), and the Swiss central warehouse of IKEA.

Visitors can explore the inner workings of garages and bodywork (Carrosserie Zumbrunn, Keigel, P. Schweizer), tackle new projects for their own gardens guided by professionals (Frey-Gärten, JardinSuisse) and immerse themselves in the world of design (Jost, OHO), the energy revolution (ETAVIS, Ökozentrum), and the circular economy (Waser). Anyone interested in the region's economic history will appreciate the exhibition dedicated to the legendary HANRO brand on the Hanro site.

A dense network of shuttle buses takes visitors straight to the doorstep of the many workplaces. There are three shuttle lines: Line A connects Liestal with Itingen, Sissach, and Thürnen, Line B runs between Liestal and Bubendorf, and Line C serves the north of the cantonal capital.

The 70+ programme items at a glance ↗

The 31 companies at a glance ↗

“We are delighted to open our workshop doors at Wahl Glas- und Metallbau AG on Industry Night and give an insight into our company, our work, our passion, and our diversity. Welcome to our premises in Liestal!”
– Wahl Glas- und Metallbau AG

“The Industry Night not only provides deep insights into the regional economy and its achievements, but also offers inspiration and opens up new horizons. We are delighted that 31 companies in and around Liestal present an exciting and varied programme to the visitors.”
– Andreas Meier, Deputy Director of the Basel Chamber of Commerce

Key Visual Banner 600 x 400 1 1

Website and programme booklet
The website allows users to filter and compile programme items by interest, language, and format. The list of favourites can be revisited, shared with friends, and printed out at home. The entire website is available in both German and English.

The programme booklet comes in a handy size that visitors can easily carry along. It provides an overview of the shuttle lines, contains brief descriptions of the companies' programmes and the most important information on ticket sales. The programme booklet is available at the presale offices, the Kulturbox spots, all participating companies, and at the box offices.

Presale online and at the booking offices
Tickets are now available online and at our presale booking offices. The Industry Night ticket comes as a wristband. Ticket vouchers purchased online on Eventfrog must be exchanged for a wristband on Friday, 20 September 2024 at one of the four box offices (from 12 noon).

Wristbands are a available at the following booking offices:

Ticket prices

  • Full price: CHF 10.- / EUR 10,-
  • U12 (under 12 years, with ID): Free ticket
  • KulturLegi / colourkey / refugees (N, F, S, B): Free ticket
  • School classes: Teachers of all levels are welcome to bring their students to Industry Night free of charge. Register for your free tickets here.

Further information on ticket sales ↗

Rauscher & Stoecklin
Experience at Rauscher & Stoecklin how electricity gets into your socket at home, photo: © Rauscher & Steocklin AG

Travelling for free with the ticket
With the Industry Night ticket (voucher and wristband), visitors can use public transport in the TNW area (from 4 pm) and the shuttle buses (from 5 pm) free of charge on Friday, 20 September. Buying a ticket in advance is recommended if you want to travel free of charge.

All information on mobility ↗

Many thanks to the sponsors
The Industry Night Regio Liestal would not be possible without the active support of its sponsors and partners. The Industry Night association would like to thank the main sponsor, the Basel Chamber of Commerce, as well as the sponsors Bachem and Birkhäuser for their commitment and excellent cooperation.